Desert Center Unified School District


Use your Portal account to update emergency contact and medical information for your children. Monitor your children’s attendance, homework, assessments, grades and more! Para la instrucción en español.If you are a new family in the District and wish to enroll your children, please complete the pre-registration online form at this link,

 Haga clic en el cuadro en la esquina drecha para espanol. 

Nuevo registro de estudiantes 

If you are an existing Desert Center family and need to register for a Parent Portal account, you will need an email address and access code to register. If you do not have an access code please contact your school to obtain one.  Your Illuminate Home Connection Portal account will link you to all of your students attending schools in the Desert Center School District!

Si ya eres padre y necesitas registrarte ara una cuenta de Padres Portal, necesitaras una direccion de correo electonico y un codigo de acceso para obtener uno. Su portal Illuminate Conexion a Casa lo ayudara a encontrar el comino a la escuela en el Distrito Escolar Desert Center. 

If you are an existing Desert Center family and wish to enroll new children in your household when they are old enough to attend our schools, simply use the “Pre-Registration” menu option located in your Portal Account.

 Si usted es un Desert Center existente y desea inscribir a sus hijos cuando tengan la edad suficiente para asistir a nuestras escuelas, simplemente use la opción de menú "Prerregistro" ubicada en su Cuenta del Portal.


Sign in with your school provided username and password to access your schedule, grades, take tests and more.


NEW!  An app is now available for Android Devices and Apple iOS!


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